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Purdue Just a squiggle! Agriculture Just a squiggle! Extension Just a squiggle! Ag. & Nat. Res. Just a squiggle! Purdue at the Farm Progress Show Just a squiggle! The Boiler Mazer
Just a green ruler

Welcome to the Official Boiler Mazer Web site!

The Purdue Boiler Mazer was a five-acre corn field maze designed especially for the 2001 Farm Progress Show (FPS) held in Tippecanoe County, Indiana on 25 - 27 September 2001. The maze featured over two miles of trails and was designed to emulate the widely recognized symbol of Purdue University, the Boilermaker Special.

While the Farm Progress Show 2001 is now history, these Web pages serve to preserve the memories of what was one of the more popular tourist attractions at the Show. Nearly 10,000 visitors ventured into the complex trail system of the Boiler Mazer during the three-day Show. Those patient enough to complete a six-station scavenger hunt were rewarded with a poster-sized version of the Boiler Mazer design. Proceeds from sales of specially-made Boiler Mazer t-shirts were contributed to the local Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund effort coordinated by the Purdue Student Government.

Read news release about Boiler Mazer from Trimble.com (http://www.trimble.com/news/092501a.htm)
Just a green ruler!
Boiler Mazer aerial image
Just a green ruler!
Let your feet do the walking! The Boiler Mazer Team
Find out who was involved in the concept, design, construction and maintenance of the Boiler Mazer!
Let your feet do the walking! The Maze Design
Check out the design of the Boiler Mazer!
Let your feet do the walking! The Maze Cam
Check out digital images taken of the maze throughout the year!
Let your feet do the walking! The Maze Diary
Check out the step-by-step process of creating the Boiler Mazer!
Let your feet do the walking! The Maze Maker
Check out a few online maze making Web sites!
Let your feet do the walking! FPS Images
Finally, check out digital images taken throughout the three-day Farm Progress Show!
Just a green ruler!

For More Information....

Purdue Site Specific Management CenterFor more information about geospatial technologies for crop production, take a look at Purdue's Site-Specific Management Center on the World Wide Web at http://www.purdue.edu/ssmc

KingCorn.orgFor more information about corn, take a look at the Corn Growers Guidebook on the World Wide Web at http://www.kingcorn.org. For more information about corn mazes, check out the Corny Mazes section of KingCorn.org.

Page design and maintenance by your friendly neighborhood Extension corn specialist. Comments can be directed to him at rnielsen@purdue.edu.
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© 2001, Purdue University
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